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Auckland Cycle Touring Association



Taranaki Tunnel Tour

November, 2007


New Plymouth to North Egmont Mountain House

Friday 9th






An unusual view of Mt Taranaki - there are no clouds.

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Photo: Margaret









Lake Mangamahoe.

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Photo: Margaret






Mt Taranaki reflected in Lake Mangamahoe.

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This is the easy part of the climb.

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The last 6.5 km climbs through beautiful bush and there are
tantalising glimpses of the summit every so often.
The road is steeper than it looks.

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Recuperation time.

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Ruapehu basking in the sunshine 130km away.

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A rather hazy New Plymouth about 950 metres below us.
It's about 24km crow flying to the power station chimney.

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Photos : John McK unless otherwise credited.

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