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Auckland Cycle Touring Association



Taranaki Tunnel Tour

November, 2007


New Plymouth to Urenui

Sunday 11th






Morning tea on Okoki Road not long after leaving SH3.

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Traffic jam on Okoki Road.

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Okoki Rd follows the twists and turns of the Urenui River.

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We are being watched.

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Delightful Kaka Road.

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Kaka Road climbs (it seems to go on and on) to the
watershed between the Urenui River and the Mangamaio Stream.

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Waiting at what seemed like the top of the world.

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Photo: Margaret






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Photo: Margaret






Taking a well deserved break before the impressive descent down Kaka Road.

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Yeee Haaa.
Junction of Kaka Rd and Uruti Rd.

Then we have the climb to the Uruti Rd Tunnel.

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Can't imagine much foot traffic out here.

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Nice coast down through the tunnel

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Photo: Margaret






Lunch stop at the north end of the tunnel.

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Photo: Margaret







There was a glorious ride on seal after we left the tunnel.

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At Waitoetoe we came across NZ's smallest organic brewery
the White Cliffs Brewing Company.

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We had to sample the product.

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Sharon is happy  - we bought some of her fine brew.

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Click here to check it out.










Photos : John McK unless otherwise credited.

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