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60th Jubilee

Photos from the Files




Chas King, who had been ACTA's President in the '90s and a Life Member,
won a Bronze Medal for the Teams Pursuit at the 1936 Olympics.

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Medal from Cath Dunbar - Photo : John McK









Arthur Sharp, Arthur Westaway and John Dunbar cycled the length of New Zealand
in 1986 and raised $182,000 for charity.

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Photo from Cath Dunbar










Gabrielle & Colin Kemplen with their Chas King tandem.

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Back in the good old days (the 80s) the Club had its own trailer, built by Chas King.

This was at the start of a New Lynn ride.

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Somewhere out in the sticks Chas, Ron Shipton and Arthur Sharp look after loading/unloading.

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Chas, Peter Buck, John Styles, Ron Shipton, Joe McKenna and Betty Spicer
3km away from Riverhead.

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Lunchtime for Arthur Westaway, John Dunbar, Lester, Chas, George Garside and Ray Kitchener.

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Another lunch stop (boy  -  are we good at lunch stops!!) for
??, Arthur Westaway, Arthur Sharp, ??, Dianne Crooks and Chas.

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Looks like this might be at Lake Whakamaru.
Betty Spicer, Rex Croucher, Jim Marshall and George Garside.

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ANOTHER lunch stop!!
Lester, Chas, Arthur?, Dave's son?, Dave Harper, Ken Blount
at Dave's place on Waiheke.

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Looks like we are getting ready to leave for somewhere

John Dunbar, Ray Kitchener, ??, Colin Kemplen, Malcolm ??, Gabrielle K, Betty Spicer, Dianne Crooks, Peter Buck, Phil Strickett, ??, ??,
Chas, ??.
Ron Shipton, Pat Shaw, Yvonne Skellern, Helen Orchard .


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This is at Pureora Forest Park.

Karen Shipton?, Lester ?, Ron Shipton, ??, John Dunbar, ??, Dave Harper, Dave's son.

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And, finally, some shots from the annual cup presentations.

Simone Robert gets a real cup from President Betty, but Bryan Taylor and John McKillop get
something from the kitchen as the cups they were supposed to have received had not
been returned by the previous holders.


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Every care has been taken to get the names right, but some may well be wrong.
If you have any corrections to make, or can add any details about the photos (dates - places - missing names), please
email me.



Photos : James Marshall unless otherwise credited.

Photo Index Page



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