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60th Jubilee Ride

Swanson Filter Station

14 June, 2009

Newsbite in the Eastern Courier, Friday June 12, 2009

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When ACTA first got going, rides used to start at the Band Rotunda in the Auckland Domain.

It was appropriate to start our Jubilee Ride there, at the civilized time of 10:00am.

It was a pity that the weather made us wear our wet weather gear - it also probably put
a few potential starters off the ride.

Anyway, for the record, here we are:

Annette,  Lyn,   Stu,  Gaye,  John B,  Kevan,   Peter G,  Robyn,   David R,  Bill,  John G,  Ray,  Ed,  Neale,  John McK, and Keith H

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Photo : John McK, Neale S & Photoshop









Three of the riders left the ride after morning tea.

These shots of the rest were taken as we left the Filter Train Station.

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Annette                                                                                David R                                                                                   Ed


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Gaye                                                                               Stu                                                                                   Kevan



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John B                                                                           John G                                                                   John McK



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Keith H                                                                           Lyn                                                                     Neale


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And so we start out on our next 60 years.

Hope the folk in 2069 will have as much fun as we have had!!!








Photos : John McK, except the one of him taken by Ed.

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