South Island Tour 2011

Westport and Denniston

Friday 11 March






Today was a rest day for those who wanted (needed?) one.

And, for the energetic, it was a day to ride up to Denniston.

We'll deal with the rest day first.




The dredge Kawatiri heading down the Buller River.

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Photo : Mack









Memorial to the 29 sailors on M.V. Kaitawa who lost their lives when the collier, bound from
Westport to Portland, sank near the Pandora Bank, close to Cape Reinga, on 23 May, 1966.

There are many other memorial plaques here remembering local fishermen who have lost their lives at sea.

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Photo : Mack









Neale and Donald at the mouth of the Buller River.

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Photo : Lyn









The back yard at Bazil's Backpackers.

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Photo : Lyn / Neale









Artistic woodpile.

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Photo : Lyn / Neale











Another view of Bazil's.

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Photo : Maurice













Nikau Art inside Bazil's.

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Photo : Mack










And now, the Denniston bit.


The 6 energetic ones.

In an email after the trip, Glen said this ride was the highlight of the tour for him.

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Photo : Mack










Some General information about the Denniston Track.

Note the poem:-

Damn Denniston

Damn the track

Damn the way both there and back

Damn the wind - and damn the weather

God damn Denniston altogether!!

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Photo : Maurice












Old coal wagons.
They are just a wee bit different from the ones we saw at Arthur's Pass.

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Photo : Maurice











The Denniston Incline.

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Photo : Maurice










The view from the top looking towards Waimangaroa, about 550 metres below.

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Photo : Maurice











A photo on one of the display boards.

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Photo : Maurice










Ruins at the top of the Incline.

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Photo : Maurice










Margaret went exploring and found more ruins.

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Photo : Margaret





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Photo : Margaret









Denniston house.

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Photo : Margaret











The view toward Westport and Cape Foulwind

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Photo : Margaret












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