South Island Tour 2011

Murchison to Tapawera

Sunday 13 March







Getting ready to take our leave from The Lazy Cow.

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Photo : Ron









We get a visit from the Constabulary at the Owen River Tavern.
He was concerned about our safety while riding two abreast.
We were concerned about our safety when being shouted at over a loud hailer at close range.

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Photo : Ron









Watching the action from within.

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Photo : Mack









What a MAN!!

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Photo : Mack









If you were a sloppy fisherman this would probably be your thought too!.

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Photo : Mack











Warwick relaxing on the 'bent.

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Photo : Mack













Upper reaches of the Buller River as we approach Kawatiri.

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Photo : Mack










The Glenhope Railway Information Display at Kawatiri.
Neale and Ray are chatting to an overseas cyclist, while Caroline (see below) puts on some sunscreen.

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Photo : Lyn











Lunch on the gravel, no hill, alternative to climbing the Hope Saddle between Glenhope and Tapawera.

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Photo : Maurice










This was the 1st Class section - more leg room, not so crowded.

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Photo : Maurice












Some of us - Margaret, Gaye, Selwyn and Mack - stuck to the main road and the
challenge of the Hope Saddle.  They were rewarded with an incredibly long
downhill on the northern side - riding south to north is definitely the way to go.

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Photo : Margaret











3 Trek 520s at the Hope Saddle picnic area where Mack had lunch with Caroline and Gerry from Québec.
We had been travelling the same route for several days.

(Trek 520 - the touring standard for 35 years - why change perfection!   Do you think there is some bias here?)

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Photo : Brian W. Neill











Caroline takes in the view from the very top of the Hope Saddle.

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Photo : Selwyn












Meanwhile Mack finds a Geocache - and a whole bunch of gorse!!

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Photo : Selwyn








Her Royal Highness, Queen Margaret, with the Royal Throne and the Royal Carriage.

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Photo : Gaye










Ted did some tea-pot Geocaching and found this interesting letter-box.

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Photo : Selwyn









Approaching Tapawera.

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Photo : Mack











We had a lovely dinner at the Tapawera School.
They obviously have a thriving business there marketing Seriously Useless Inventions.

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Photo : Selwyn








More Seriously Useless Inventions.  Not sure (but I think we can guess) what is in the "Home Grown" packet.
The Caution on the end says, "Not for children under 12 years.  Overusing this product may prove harmful or fatal!"

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Photo : Maurice









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