South Island Tour 2011

Tapawera to Motueka

Monday 14 March








It is a small world!!

Caroll's daughter has a friend she met in Hong Kong.  She told her friend that Caroll was going
cycling in the South Island.  The friend asked where and, when told, said that her New Zealand home
was on the route.  She asked who Caroll was riding with and, when told it was ACTA she said, "That's amazing!!
My father was Ken Blount and he was one of ACTA's founding members and was the Treasurer for a long time."

And so it was that we were invited to morning tea with Janet and Steve at their lovely hideaway
not too far from Tapawera.  It was such a pity that Caroll was unable to be with us.  Steve and Janet  visited
us the night before when we were having our great meal at the Tapawera School and left us with
a detailed map - X marks the Spot - of how to find the Treasure that is their home.


Here it is.

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Photo : Lyn









Selwyn gets to cut the bread.  This, and the cake, was absolutely delicious.

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Photo : Lyn / Neale









Three Happy Chappies.

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Photo : Mack









I can count - here's #3.

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Photo : Mack









The view from the kitchen.  Washing the dishes would never be a chore again!

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Photo : Mack











VERY satisfied cyclists with their hosts Steve and Janet on your left.

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Photo : Sanja













The view from the top of Steve and Janet's driveway.

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Photo : Mack










It's no wonder the ACC rate for top-dressing pilots is so high, considering they fly so low.

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Here he's flying through the dust from the previous run.

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Photos : Mack











Motueka River.

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Photo : Maurice










Maurice and the Motueka River.

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Photo : Colin












Leaving the main road and riding down the western side of the river takes you through
the beautiful, tunnel-like, Haycock's Bush.

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Photo : Mack










Guess what  - Selwyn found a cache here.

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Photo : Lyn











And Ron found something for Annie.

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Photo : Ron












At Motueka we stayed at The White Elephant Backpackers.

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Photo : Mack








It had once been a beautiful home.

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Photo : Mack










Lesley catching up with her paper-work.

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Photo : Mack









The back garden of The White Elephant is a lovely place to relax.

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Photo : Mack









Mack has his first ride on a recumbent.

Video : Selwyn







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