South Island Tour 2011

Port Puponga to Pohara

Friday 18 March








This was the day JB got hit by the dreaded lurgi.

He said, the next day, that he remembered nothing of this, which is the only
reason this shot is here : it did happen, JB.

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Photo : Margaret









Collingwood Estuary with the tide in.

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Photo : Mack










The Mussel Inn re-visited.

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Photo : Lyn / Neale









Mussel Inn has really great ambience - it makes you want to eat good food and drink great coffee -
which they have.

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Photo : Lyn










They do not like cell phones.

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Photo : Selwyn









But they do have a cell phone tree.

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Photo : Maurice








And a really interesting dunny.

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Photo : Maurice








A closer look at dunny art.

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Photo : Maurice








Having coffee here the other day made you realise why this café has this name -
all you had to do was take a few deep breaths.

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Photo : Mack








Takaka mural and market.

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Photo : Mack










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Photo : Selwyn










Low tide at Pohara.

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Photo : Ron













A not-very-mobile mobile café sign : it was sitting in this spot 3 years ago!.

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Photo : Mack










Pohara Sunset

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Photo : Lyn / Neale







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