South Island Tour 2011






We had planned to start our tour in Christchurch, but Mother Nature had other ideas.

She gave Christchurch a good shake up with a 6.3 earthquake on Tuesday 22 February at 12.51 pm.

This followed the  7.1 quake on 4 September, 2010.


Most of us changed our pre-tour accommodation to Rangiora, but some did venture in to Christchurch
before the tour started.








The army was there to ensure that no one went into the cordoned off area.

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Photo Lyn/Neale










One of Hagley Park's stately giants could not withstand the shaking.

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Photo Lyn/Neale













Knox Church on the corner of Bealey Ave and Victoria St..

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Photo Lyn/Neale










Carlton Hotel.

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Photo Lyn/Neale








What's left of someone's pride and joy.

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Photo Mack









The Kaiapoi Information Centre (it used to be Kaiapoi's railway station back in
the days when there were railway stations) became Kaiapoi's competition
to Pisa in the September quake..

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Photo Mack







The view from the other end.

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Photo Mack










Meanwhile, on the Kaiapoi River, things are shipshape - unlike the decided lean
the buildings have.

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A field near Kaiapoi had liquefaction craters, looking like little Rangitotos,
all over the place.

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Photo Mack






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