Stratford to Whangamomona

13 November, 2010


First day of the ride was a fairly easy 67km out to Whangamomona, with only a couple of interesting saddles to cross,
just to make sure we did not get complacent.





You do not have to be potty to go cycle touring, but some say, "It helps."

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Photo: Mack









This collection was in the office at the Stratford camp. It had been brought to NZ
by Doreen when she moved from the UK.

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Photo: Mack











Generally a hive of activity, as we get ready for the first day's cycling.

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Photo: Colin











The van packing is almost complete, with several supervisors.
Shasta is waiting for her first ride on the back of the van.

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Photo: Lyn or Neale










This year's line-up.


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Photo: Mack

Caroll, Margaret, Lesley, Gaye, Shae, Steve, Gary, Annie, Sloop, Glen, Neale, David, Lyn, Selwyn, Ray, Keith, Maurice, JB, Judy, Bryan, Briar, JG, Mirror, Mack and Colin.

Alert viewers will realise that Donald is missing.  It is amazing how difficult it is to get 26 cyclists lined up and smiling all at the same time.  We did pretty well to get 25!!

And, in case you want to know, Sloop's name is John; JB's name is John; JG's name is John; Mirror's name is John; and, you guessed it,  Mack's name is John.









JB enjoying the countryside near Te Wera

JB north of Te Wera-1.jpg (130133 bytes)

Photo: Colin











Typical Taranaki hill country.

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Photo: Caroll











The first morning tea stop.  This is near Te Wera.

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Photo: Selwyn










Sloop offers Lyn a cuppa.

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"YECHT!!!   What did you put in that???!!!"

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Photos : Selwyn










Top of the Pohokura Saddle.  18k to go.

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Photo: Maurice










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Photo: Maurice










Roadside mower.
If you look closely you can see the four, very effective, circular saw blades on the cutting arm.
As we saw on the way down the hill, overhanging limbs did not stand a chance!!

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Photo: Maurice










View from the summit of the Whangamomona Saddle.
The two cyclists down there still have a wee way to climb.

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Photo: Colin











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Photo: Maurice









Caroll is just about at the top.

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Photo: Margaret










Several cars have made this their final resting places.

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Photo: Lyn or Neale









Ted has just found a Geo-Cache.    There will be more.

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Photo: Selwyn










The railway line in to Whangamomona.   This has been disused for over 6 months following
a derailment that tore up several hundred metres of track.  Perhaps the line will be closed.

What an awesome rail trail it would make!!!!

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Photo: Mack









Briar arrives at Whangamomona.

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Photo: Colin









Looks like there might be a future for McCluggage Bros.

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Photo: Maurice









The road out of Whangamomona heading towards Taumarunui.

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Photo: Maurice










Lunch at the Whangamomona Camping Ground.

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Photo: Margaret








A marvellous evening feed was put on by the ladies from the local play group.
They set a very high standard for others to follow.

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Photo: Margaret









There was plenty of food so the kids (large and small) could also get stuck-in.

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Photo: Lyn or Neale








Even the dads joined in.

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Photo: Lyn or Neale









A foretaste of what was in store for us the next day.

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Photo: Caroll







The time in Auckland, New Zealand is







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