Whangamomona to Te Wera

14 November, 2010


This was probably the highlight day of the trip.    We had been concerned about the road - 17km
of 4WD track which may, or may not, have been blocked by slips or bogs.     The van drivers had to go
about 65km to get to Aotuhia.  They did not know if we would be there when they got there.  And we did
not know if we would be there, either.    It was all a matter of "play it by ear."

However, at the end of the day - as the saying goes, it all worked out really well and we were all
very pleased that Ron and Susan - who had joined the tour just to do this ride - had whetted our curiosity.







Just about ready to leave Whangamomona.

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Photo: Selwyn











Away we go, with Susan and Ron leading the way.

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Photo: Caroll












We are warned of the possible consequences of using this road.

Road warning-1.JPG (144368 bytes)

Photo: Colin











Some parts you ride  -  and some you walk.

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Photo: Mack











The "Y" generation has passed this way.

Taranaki Tour Nov-21.jpg (124309 bytes)

Photo: Lyn or Neale












The suspension bridge to Private Property.

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Photo: Selwyn











Holesome Bridge

(Turn the volume up a little before playing this clip.)








Bryan gets a shot back up the valley, while Maurice does his bit for Health and Safety.

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Photo: Selwyn









Here's Neale in case you missed it in the video.

Taranaki Tour Nov-20.jpg (159638 bytes)

Photo: Lyn









The cyclists, the track, and the river.
Not sure how Colin got the cherry-picker in to get this shot.

Beside Whangamomona River-1.JPG (300818 bytes)

Photo: Colin












Here's Sloop who, less than 24 hours earlier, was talking about his vertigo problems.

Taranaki Tour Nov-12.jpg (184802 bytes)

Photo: Lyn or Neale










Approaching the first tunnel.

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Photo: Maurice











Tunnel #1.

Tunnel nr Whangamomona River-1.JPG (126344 bytes)

Photo: Colin












Glow worms??

Taranaki Tour Nov-22.jpg (150390 bytes)

Photo: Neale or Lyn











Looks like a meaningful conversation.

Taranaki Tour Nov-23.jpg (106103 bytes)

Photo: Lyn or Neale









Lyn is about to venture forth.

Taranaki Tour Nov-24.jpg (161772 bytes)

Photo: Neale









Interesting roof.

Taranaki Tour Nov-25.jpg (133562 bytes)

Photo: Neale











This was the wettest part of the track - unless you were really unfortunate in other parts.

Taranaki Tour Nov-26.jpg (239718 bytes)

Photo: Neale









Selwyn gets it all on video.

Taranaki Tour Nov-27.jpg (152426 bytes)

Photo: Neale








Here's Selwyn's video.








Link to Whangamomona Road Page #2






The time in Auckland, New Zealand is







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