Te Wera to Urenui

15 November, 2010

Today's ride was generally downhill, ending up on the coast at Urenui.




Not long to go before we depart from Te Wera Valley Lodge.

Taranaki Tour Nov-15.jpg (95554 bytes)

Photo: Lyn or Neale








Now - do we go left or right???.

Taranaki Tour Nov-16.jpg (224407 bytes)

Photo: Lyn








Don't worry Shae!!   Whatever it is you think you've lost hasn't actually gone missing.

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Photo: Margaret









Let's go to the movies.










The cutting at the top of Mohakau Road.
There was discussion as to whether this had once been a tunnel  -  or not.

Taranaki Tour Nov-17.jpg (138660 bytes)

Photo: Lyn or Neale








Disappearing in to Matau Road Tunnel.

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Photo: Margaret









And coming out the northern end.

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Photo: Margaret










Are we all here yet?

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Photo: Selwyn











A stone's eye view of approaching cyclists on Mangaoapa Road.

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Photo: Colin











Pleasant cycling on Mangaoapa Road heading toward Purangi.

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Photo: Colin










Neale looks happy to be there.

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Photo: Lyn










Let's go to the movies again.









The climb out of Mangaoapa Road.

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Photo: Margaret










To dump, or not to dump : that is the question. 

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Photo: Selwyn










A pause at the top of Mangaoapa Road while Glen was having fun repairing a busted
gear change cable.

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Photo: Maurice










Morning tea at Purangi.  We had had lunch here 3 years ago.

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Photo: Margaret










Waitara River at Purangi.

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Photo: Caroll




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