Hawera to Stratford

22 November, 2010




Last day of the tour, with a 67 km ride over back roads to return us to Stratford.
Some folk had already departed - they felt a strong urge to get back to Jaffaland -
and others took a direct route to Stratford today, so they could drive home later in the day.
Or so they could complete the trio of mountain roads and ride up to East Egmont.
If they went to The Plateau they would have reached 1,172 masl.






Packing up for the last time on this tour.

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Photo: Lyn or Neale






There was a farewell Committee.

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Photo: Maurice










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Photo: Margaret









Heading towards Eltham along Rotokare Road.

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Photo: Margaret









Don't say this was the Café with no coffee.  That would inflame any self-respecting cyclist.

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Photo: Selwyn









The Mangamingi Saddle on Rawhitiroa Road.

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Photo: Margaret










Selwyn and Ted decided to go cache hunting at the Rotokare Reserve.

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Photo: Selwyn










The double gates were designed to keep pests out of the reserve, as is
the 8.4 km long   $1,900,000   perimeter fence.

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Photo: Selwyn








Ted has found his last cache.

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Photo: Selwyn








Lake Rotokare Reserve.

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Photo: Selwyn









JB and Ted had had their differences on the tour, but they made up on the last night.

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Photo: Selwyn










Ted had a celebratory glass of a fine, dry,  red.

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Photo: Selwyn









Caroll found one last rhodo....

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Photo: Caroll









....and Selwyn had a final look at Taranaki.

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Photo: Selwyn



Many thanks to Caroll, Colin, Lyn and Neale, Mack, Margaret, Maurice and Selwyn for sharing their photos with
us all.    We hope you enjoy them and that they bring back pleasant memories of a really great ACTA Tour.

Many thanks also to Annette for her organisation of accommodation and meals : well rested and well fed cyclists
are bound to be happy cyclists.

Thanks also to Don & Margaret  and Lyn & Neale for the use of their vans and to Neale for his going out of his
way to transport the wounded and the infirm.

And, finally, special thanks to all who took part in this tour for being such a great bunch to tour with.




The time in Auckland, New Zealand is







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