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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

North Island Tour, 2008

Friday 7 November

Taihape - Fielding


An easier day, today.  Although it was not without its hills, the finish was
much closer to sea level than the start.



The group riding down the main street of Taihape on a rather cool morning.

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Photo stop on Toe Toe Road overlooking the Rangitikei River.

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The valley of the Rangitikei has become somewhat more grand than it was
when crossed yesterday.  That was up in the high country in the distance at
the top right of the photo.

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Getting ready to turn in to Potaka Road.
The Buick had to be admired (and so did the cyclists, probably).

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Photo: Maurice











Crossing the Kawhatau River on Potaka Road.

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Photo: John G





















Morning tea stop at the Rangitikei bridge near Mangaweka.

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John B well prepared for a drink.

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Photo: Annette











Rangitikei River Bridge.

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Photo: Maurice











Maurice getting a shot of the Mangawharariki River drop on Ruahine Road.

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No wonder everyone is dressed pretty warmly today.
There was fresh snow dropped on the Ruahine Range overnight.

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Photo: Maurice















The scene from the Rangiwahia lunch stop.

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Photo: John G









Riding along Rangiwahia Road with the Ruahines in the distance.

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Farther down the road the Ruahines are lower and did not get much of the overnight snow.

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Kimbolton has almost become a ghost town.

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Photo: John G










But it does have a very welcome café.

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And a lovely fire.
Warming up on this long, cold day.  Only another 32 km to go.
Must have been hard getting away from that lovely, warm, welcoming fire,
especially considering there was a strong head wind waiting for them outside.

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Photo: John G










Photos, unless otherwise credited,  Margaret L


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