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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

Pukekawa to Port Waikato to Waikaretu to Pukekawa

Ben mapped out this glorious ride through some of our loveliest scenery.
O.K. - there were a few hills and there was about 25km of unsealed road
- but who cared?

If you ever get the chance, cycle this route.  It's hard work in parts
but the rewards are worth it.


Viewing the largest volcanic crater in the Auckland area.  John G pointed this out to us.
He reckons it went off about 5,000,000 years ago.

05103101.JPG (58403 bytes)Photo John McK







And here's the scene as Bill saw it

05103106.JPG (157686 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy




Coffee stop at Port Waikato.
Be aware that this is the only place you can get a coffee, or anything else, on this ride.

05103108.JPG (108557 bytes)
Photo Bill Duffy




Turning in to the Loo at Port Waikato.  Also the last place on this ride for a civilized loo stop.

05103107.JPG (120968 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy





The climb tpwards Limestone Downs... and the end of the seal.

05103109.JPG (127668 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy




They are smiling now.......  :-)


05103110.JPG (122444 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy



About 5 km after the start of the gravel there is a long descent with good hairpin bend at the bottom.
Here we have John G, Ben, Rob and Pelham.

05103102.JPG (138356 bytes)Photo John McK







At the end of the straight in the previous pic there are these pancake formations
(and, hopefully, nothing coming the other way.  I think we saw only 4 vehicles on this section of road.  Heaven.)

05103114.JPG (107247 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy





Ben, John G, Pelham, Bill and Rob after checking out the view we would have while eating our lunch.

05103103.JPG (78107 bytes)Photo John McK







Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

05103104.JPG (101237 bytes)Photo John McK





The calves were a little curious about the strangers at their front doorstep.


05103105.JPG (118363 bytes)Photo John McK




Pelham and John G

05103113.JPG (115272 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy




05103111.JPG (148531 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy



Don't know why Ben's walking  -  he's got a perfectly good bike there.


05103112.JPG (128555 bytes)Photo Bill Duffy



Thanks for the ride Ben  -  it was a beauty.


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