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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

Kaukapakapa to Puhoi
4 December, 2005



If you are going to get a puncture, you might as well do it in pleasant surroundings.
It does not get much better than the road near Makarau.

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Morning tea ( OK - it was mid-day) at the delightful Cottage Café just
beyond Puhoi on the way to Ahuroa.

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We were trundling down the straight line (from this angle)
over the other side of the valley about 5 minutes before we arrived at Puhoi.
Just after the road exits stage left it takes on a considerably steeper aspect.

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Bryan and Jaap were too busy talking to have a look at the above view, on their left.

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After regrouping at the top of the hill we were ready for the descent to Ahuroa.

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The school at Ahuroa is always a delightfull place to stop for lunch.

(unfortunately when the camera is set on delay it does not see that people have their faces obscured)

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Photos John McK

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