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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

Ohinewai - Taupiri - Whitikahu - Tahuna
15 January, 2006


This ride was a repeat of the very enjoyable one we did just one year ago.
Again, very enjoyable, and very popular, with 19 riders.


There's the Waikato River, a few empty bikes, and a lovely table.
Maybe the lack of food on the table explains the lack of people.

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Photo John McK






Ahhh   -  there's the eats, et al.  In the shade in the gazebo.

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Photo Dick H





There were so many riders, we could not all sit at the one table

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Photo Dick H







Some were in meaningful discussion

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Photo Dick H








While others were very relaxed.

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Photo Dick H






Waiting to cross SH 1, outside the Frog Café, Taupiri
(the gazebo was out the back)

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Photo Bill D







Ready to leave Taupiri

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Photo Bill D







Heading towards Taupiri Mountain

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Photo Bill D





Lunch at the Whitikahu School, as pleasant a place as any for a lunch stop...

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Photo John McK







Or a zizzz

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Photo Dick H






"Well, we are here, and we're going there."

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Photo Dick H






This is where we were going - the pub at Tahuna for a very welcome


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Photo John McK




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