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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

West Auckland Wanderings

23 April, 2006


Ron decided to show us some of the lovely back roads the the Westies enjoy,
starting at the old Glen Eden railway station.


Ten riders turned out for the ride, on a day that promised showers and
blustery easterlies.


Briar rode from home with John, Bryan, Anthony and John McK
but, as there were no other ladies to keep her company, she went
visiting instead.   Ladies  -  where were you????


This left 6 beardies and 3 barechins to go riding.


Because of the weather, there were not too many photo ops, but here's a couple of shots.



    First one is at the intersection of Drower Road and O'Neills Road
when some stopped to take wet weather gear off for the umpteenth time.


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Photo Buzz Dunning






We then dropped down to Swanson for a very welcome coffee
at Café Redwoods.  Good coffee, good service.

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Photo Buzz Dunning





After that we meandered over more back roads to get to Henderson and lunch at the
rotunda at Falls Park.


But the camera stopped clicking so, friends, that's your lot.



PS    Even though the forecast was as set out above,
it was not really too wet, it was not too windy, and it was not at all cold.

In fact, we had another enjoyable ACTA ride.




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