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Auckland Cycle Touring Association



Mt Roskill, Albany and Kumeu to

20 April, 2008


Taking in the view from high above the gannet colony,
with a rather glary Muriwai stretching away into the distance.

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A bit of map reading following lunch.

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These next few photos of gannets were not taken today as
it was too late in the year.  But if you visit between about
October and March you will be rewarded with lovely views
of these beautiful birds.

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On the way home we stopped off in Huapai for a much needed coffee -
and a look at the footpath art which now decorates Huapai.

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And they knew we were coming.

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And, finally, it's coffee time.  Yee ha!

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Our coffee stop was at Jaffa  café & tapas - a new
café in Huapai.

They like cyclists so much that, after you have enjoyed your 1st coffee,
you can have a filter coffee free, gratis, nix.

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Today we were delighted when Kaitlin, the café's barista, arrived
at our table with a ginormous plunger of coffee.

So here's the great crew who looked after us.

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Kaitlin; Chrissy Douglas, the owner; Christoph, the Head Chef;
& Alamein, the Front of House Manager.

Thanks, guys, you were great.










Photos John McK


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