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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

South Island Tour, 2006

Tarras to Wanaka

21 and 22 February, 2006



Downtown Tarras in the rush hour on a Tuesday morning.

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It does not get much better (how many times did we hear that on
this trip) than breakfast in the Tarras sunshine.

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Well, it does get better.
Apart from American cyclists passing from time to time
on their way to Queenstown, John had the world to himself for about an hour here
just soaking up the view over the Clutha River.

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The Clutha River near the Wanaka airfield.

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Cathy takes on the single track between Albert Town and Wanaka.
Much more interesting than going in to town on the road.

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The view that greeted us when we reached the lake.

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Superman saves the guy in the black shirt from being squashed.

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Photo Dick




At Puzzle World in Wanaka strange things happen to your
body when you walk from one side of this room to the other!

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Photos Cathy







Photos, unless otherwise credited, John McK

Photo Index Page