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Auckland Cycle Touring Association



South Island Tour February, 2007

Wednesday, 14th


Wedderburn looks better when depicted by Grahame Sydney.

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And he makes a better picture of the hills (in this case Mt Ida) too.

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Not long after Wedderburn we crossed the 45th parallel.  That's the marker post on the left.

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And immediately after that we went over the summit of the trail,
618 metres above sea level..

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Rest time at the backpackers at Oturehua, before setting out to St Bathans.

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First view of St Bathans : the Post Office nestling amongst the trees.

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Photo John G



St Bathans was originally a mining town and lies on the Blue Lake.

The Blue Lake was created through mining. When the mining stopped the hole filled with water, creating a lake, the blue colour was caused through the minerals in the water.

The Vulcan Hotel is one of the historic buildings remaining in town and dates back to 1882.

Another historic building is the Post Office from 1909.





Refreshment Establishment in St Bathans.

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Blue Lake, St Bathans.

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Photo John G



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Photos John McK unless otherwise credited.

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