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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

South Island Tour, 2008

Arrowtown to Wanaka to Cromwell

17 & 18 February, 2008



Before this tour had gone 10km we were confronted with
the Crown Terrace - the first bit of the climb over
the Crown Range!

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If you had time to look back over your shoulder you were amply rewarded.

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Near the summit it looks like the plants are running out of oxygen too!

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Then it is reward time.

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This photo was taken a couple of weeks later, after the tour had finished.
On the tour day we had had glorious blue skies.







Another reward   -  coffee (or whatever) was consumed in large quantities
in the delightful garden at the back of the Pub.

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We were lucky : two weeks later the pub was closed as a rather large wedding party had arrived here.







Ready to leave Wanaka on day 2.
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Lyn S, Neale, Bryan, David, Maurice, John B, Margaret L, Selwyn, John McK, Donald, Dick, Lyn H.
We had expected to have another couple here, but they did not join us until Queenstown.

Photo Margaret McK






Heading to Cromwell.

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Photo Margaret McK








Bryan gave us an opportunity for a rest when a gear cable broke.

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Photo Maurice







Margaret L spotted the only shade (so it seemed) between Wanaka and Cromwell
in a private driveway.  She asked if it was OK for us to have our lunch there.
Not only was it OK, our lovely hostess delivered a bagful of plums to us to feast on.
Southern Hospitality.

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The fridge (among other things) in the Chalets Holiday Park left something to be desired.
I have never before seen a glacier in a campgound (or any other) fridge!

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Photos, unless otherwise credited, John McK

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