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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

South Island Tour, 2008

Mavora Lakes to Te Anau
Doubtful and Milford Sounds

21 & 22 February, 2008



Lunchtime.  A welcome return to sealed roads after the ride
down from Mavora Lakes.

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Photo Neale S







22nd was a rest day.  Lyn & Neale went to Doubtful Sound.

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Photo Neale S







Margaret & John went to Milford Sound.
Here the road from Te Anau starts to get interesting.

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Eglinton Valley.

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Mitre Peak.

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Pembroke Glacier.

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Top of the Cledau Valley at the western portal of the Homer Tunnel.
While we were here a bus load of cyclists pulled up and they took their
bikes off the trailer and went tearing off down the hill.   Yeee Haaa!!

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Waterfalls at the eastern end of the Homer Tunnel.

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Curious Kea.
This guy was running all over the place with a horde of tourists after him
trying to get the ideal photo.

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A note to touring cyclists :  Margaret and John cheated - they drove to Milford.

It is 120km from Te Anau to Milford.
There are a number of campsites on the way, lots of tour buses, and heaps of sandflies!!
Do your homework before setting off along here.

And do NOT let the keas near your tyres!!!






Photos, unless otherwise credited, John McK

Photo Index Page