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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

South Island Tour, 2008

Tuatapere - Riverton - Winton
and Cosy Nook

25 & 26 February, 2008



Happy cyclists at McCracken's Rest.
This is the most south westerly point on the South Island's main roads.

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Photo Neale S









The approach to Cosy Nook.
It was not an easy ride, with a howling sou'wester, but most riders said that
they were glad they went.

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Photo Margaret McK






A few lunchtime shots at Cosy Nook.

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Photo Neale S





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Photo Margaret McK










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Many thought they were at some Cornish fishing village.

The house in the background was named "Pollyfilla Villa".


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Looks like Colac Bay is the place to be if you are a surfer.

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Photo Maurice K











The view over the bay from Riverton.

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Sunrise over Invercargill.

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Several shots of the camp at Winton.

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Photo NealeS






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Photo NealeS






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Photo Maurice K










Photos, unless otherwise credited, John McK

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