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Auckland Cycle Touring Association

South Island Tour, 2008

The Nevis

27 & 28 February, 2008



The highlight of the tour.  Would we do it?  What would the weather be like?  One day or two?
This is DECISION time :  to turn, or not to turn??

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There are plenty of suggestions that this just might be one tough ride.

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Photo Maurice K






A couple of views back towards Garston.

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Photo Maurice K





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Nearing the summit.

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Nevis Valley.

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Photo Maurice K






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More warnings of the joys to come.

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Photo Maurice K







You were warned.......

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Photo Maurice K







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Photo Maurice K








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Photo Maurice K







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Photo Maurice K









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Bryan's canny : no wet socks for him....

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Camp site in the Nevis.

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Photo Maurice K





Do not look over your shoulder - that's the road out!!!

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Photo Maurice K







The long way home....

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These guys had 4 wheel support.

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Photo Maurice K










Seems to go on forever.

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Nearly there.

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The sign says it all.

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Photo Maurice K








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What a wonderful, and welcome, sight.
Cromwell and Lake Dunstan.

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Challenge complete!
A welcome celebratory beer in the Bannockburn Pub.

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Congratulations, guys and girls.  You earned that drink.


PS  Arnold & Marieke and Donald & Margaret L  were in a hurry - they went through in one day.








Photos, unless otherwise credited, Neale S

Photo Index Page