Auckland Cycle Touring Association North Island Tour, 2008
was not enough for Margaret and Donald, Glen and John B.
Oh no. They decided to ride from Cambridge to Rotorua, to Murupara,
Waikaremoana, Wairoa and then Napier - giving themselves one
rest day before the tour itself began.
The photos on this page are from this part of their tour.
Glen crosses the Arapuni Dam.
Leslie Road
through the Mamaku Forest.
Waikaremoana Road, with the kowhai in flower.
On the way to
Waikaremoana. These guys were possibly wondering why ride such ridiculous
looking contraptions, when there are perfectly good horses available.
Leaving Waikaremoana on a rather dismal Sunday morning.
Much better
weather on the Monday as the riders approached the Mohaka Viaduct.
This is the highest railway viaduct in New Zealand at 97 metres.
It is 270 metres long and was built in 1937.
So our cyclists knew that they now had a 97m climb ahead of them!
The Waikare Gorge between Wairoa and Napier.
Beautiful Lake
Tutira. This is about 5km before the riders reached Devil's Elbow where
the road climbs a hillside like the one in the distance in this shot.
And finally they were back on the coast about 20km north of Napier and 98 south of Wairoa.
Photos supplied by Margaret L