Members Only Content

The following information is included in the members-only section which members can access through this logon.

  1. Details of the ACTA Committee members.
  2. Club rider’s statistics for the year (updated weekly).
  3. Ride with GPS – details of the club’s membership to Ride with GPS and details on how the club’s subscription to ride with GPS operates.
  4. Members buy and sell forum.

Members Q & A Forum

Ask a Question or Answer a Question

To ask a question or answer a question go to the link and enter your question or answer into the boxes provided. This will provide members with a forum to ask and answer questions and to build up a database of cycle touring information. You need to be logged in to the members-only section to see the members’ Q & A Forum. Login below and then press the link below to go to the members-only menu.

Existing Users Log In