Rides Coordinator

One of the key roles in the club is the rides coordinator and this is a summary of the role.

  • Maintain Rides Calendar: Schedule and update the rides calendar months in advance to ensure a variety of cycling rides throughout the year.
  • Plan Suitable Routes: Design and select safe, enjoyable routes that cater to different skill levels and preferences of club members.
  • Find Ride Leaders: Recruit and assign experienced and knowledgeable ride leaders to guide and support participants during each event.

The Rides Coordinator relies heavily on member participation:

  • Volunteer as Ride Leaders: Members are encouraged to volunteer as ride leaders. If you have not led a ride before, the coordinator can provide basic training.
  • Tail-End Charlies: Volunteers for the Tail-End Charlie role will be called for on the day of the ride to ensure the safety and well-being of all riders.

Your involvement as a ride leader or Tail-End Charlie enhances the experience and safety of our weekly club rides, fostering a supportive and enjoyable community for all members.