Club Membership

The Auckland Cycle Touring Association has a club membership with Ride with GPS. As an ACTA member you can benefit from this. Please send an email to Stephen at to arrange for your Ride With GPS access.

The Clubs ride with GPS Page

ACTA Ride with GPS Page on Ride with GPS

The Benefits for Members

Ride with GPS Benefits

There are many benefits for club members. The main benefit is having a library of routes which members can use for leading a ride, or for their own use.  Members when using a club route have the full functionally of RideWithGPS available. It is important to note (for those who do not read manuals) that a ‘Route’ is a planned journey. A ‘Ride’ is a completed journey. An ‘Event’ is something planned. A ‘Simple Event’ does not include a route (i.e the Xmas lunch).  An ‘Event with Routes’ could be a weekend with several routes and simple events.

For Ride with GPS Help

Ride with GPS Help

Recording your Rides

When you record a ride you feel should be made available in ACTA’s Route Library either share it with a Route Manager or be a route manager.

ACTA Route Library

The Club has a library of routes on Ride with GPS from earlier rides.

Link to the ACTA Route Library

How to find Routes

In the ACTA route library you can search by many filters for routes. These could be ‘Sunday’ routes, or from a certain ‘Location” or routes with a given ‘Distance’. Some routes are made available to the general public ( to encourage membership and are available in the non members part of the website), and some are for members only and some are private (usually means route is still be under development).

Route Managers Wanted

Route Managers – Uploading an ACTA Ride & creating an ACTA Route

A ride file needs to be Uploaded to record as an ACTA Ride. Also a Ride does not have a cue sheet which Routes need to tell you where to go. A Ride needs to be Traced to create the cue sheet.

  1. Have the ‘.fit’ (best) or ‘.tcx’ file available.
  2. Sign into the ACTA RideWithGPS account
  3. Click on ‘Upload’ on the left of the yellow banner at the top of the screen
  4. Select the ride file and it will be added to ACTA Rides
  5. Select ride for editing then ‘Copy to My Routes’ (should say ‘Copy to ACTA Routes!)
  6. Follow the Ride With GPS Help (
    • Trace the the Ride (means you click along the shaded ride) and Save
    • Check all looks dandy add add important info like best coffee shops and points of interest.

Please note that if every ride is recorded and uploaded, ACTA will then be recording all ACTA rides.

If you are the sort who enjoy maps, takes great delight in developing and maintaining routes, and the ACTA Ethics Committee decides that you are of a sound mind, maybe you should consider a career as a “Route Manager”.

Club Map Links

The idea is to build up a resource of ACTA routes and tours for a one day or longer sojourn. Day trips and tours can have links for each ride.  Apart from the route being available to each member, this will be a valuable resource for planning future tours and also for all other touring cyclists. Also, the rides list and tour reports can include this route link.

Add Routes to our Club Library

If you have ACTA Route Manages Privileges you can copy routes from your personal RideWithGPS account into the club account. Just follow the instructions on the link below.

Link to add routes to the club library

Link to Members Menu