Friday 16th to Sunday 18th April 2021

Potluck dinner, 6.30 pm at Maureen and Peters’ home. 1090 Rangiatea Road, Otorohanga.

Saturday ride 80 km. We will meet at Maureen’s house and drive out to the start.

Morning tea provided at 32 km. Please bring your own cup.

Lunch at 58 km. (Bring your own lunch and snacks). Afternoon tea provided at Maureen’s at the end of the ride.

Dinner tonight at Otorohanga Club 7pm.

Sunday ride 81 km or 55km. Morning tea at 42 km at newly opened Fat Kiwi Café in Otorohanga.

People are most welcome to camp or campervan park at Maureen’s. There are two showers and three toilets available.

There is also accommodation at Otorohanga Kiwi Holiday Park Phone 07-873-7253

Please contact Maureen phone/text 021 1397 523 clearly stating where you will be staying and if you do NOT wish to attend Saturday night’s dinner.

Or email

Otorohanga Weekend