Tuesday 13th to Sunday 18th April

 Join us for 6 days great riding in beautiful scenery in these great locations.

 Cambridge section:

Arrive Mon 12th April to start riding on Tuesday 13th at 8.15am from Cambridge Top10 Holiday Park

Bring own morning Tea for the Wednesday ride, otherwise coffee stops on each of the other days, bring own lunch.

Dinner at Cambridge Cosi Club on the wed night 6.30pm.

After Friday’s ride drive through to Maureen’s Otorohanga weekend ride.

 Otorohanga section – Please see attachment.

Arrive Friday 16th April – depart Sunday 18th

Potluck dinner at 7pm on the Friday eve at Maureen’s place, 1090 Rangiatea Road

Sat ride starts at 8 am. From Maureen’s place 1090 Rangiatea Road. Ready to drive out to the start of the ride.

Dinner at Otorohanga club on the Sat night 7pm

Maureen is more than happy to have people stay/camp at her place. 

 Please arrange your own accommodation:

Cambridge Top10 Holiday Park, 32 Scott’s St, Leamington  07-827 5649

Otorohanga Holiday Park, 20 Huiputea Drive, Otorohanga  07-873 7253

 You can do it all, or just part of it.

 Advise Simon – sbucherer@xtra.co.nz if you are coming to Cambridge.

Advise Maureen – pmmcraenz@gmail.com if you are coming to Otorohanga.

Cambridge & Otorohanga HUB Tours